
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bubba Quilt

One of my all time favorite movies is Forrest Gump.  I have seen it five times and it still makes me laugh and cry.  One of Forrest’s best friends was Bubba. Forrest had a similar intellect and he and Bubba spent alot of time together as army recruits in the Viet Nam war. Bubba was from a family of shrimp fisherman and he could talk for hours and hours about all the dishes that could be made with shrimp. Forrest hung on every word.

My wife says I am like Bubba when it comes to quilting.  She says I can talk for hours and hours about quilts and quilting without letting up.  She calls me Bubba Quilt.

It is true.  I can talk for hours and hours about quilting, my passion and favorite topic!.  There is so much to say.  I can talk about quilts, quilting sewing machines, quilting long arm machines, quilting fabric, quilting thread, quilt wool batting, quilt cotton batting, quilt alpaca batting, quilt bindings, quilt awls, quilt marking pens, quilt dyes, quilt cruises, quilt shows, quilt stores, quilt guilds, quilting teachers, quilt light boxes, quilting irons, quilt crystals, quilt scissors (I have over 200 pairs!), quilt patterns, quilting trapunto, quilt design, quilt colors, quilting irons, quilt studios and on and on.

My wife calls me Bubba Quilt

This week, I was lucky enough to be invited to teach at the West Pasco Quilt Guild in Hudson, Florida.  I had a delightful time meeting all the quilters. Thanks so much for the warm welcome, West Pasco quilters! I brought my new quilt, Poppy's Rainbow, and displayed it for the first time during my lecture and then we had a good class on Remarkable Machine Trapunto and Remarkable Tips.  Imagine how it feels to be Bubba Quilt teaching and lecturing a roomful of quilters who share my passion!! 

 I know all my quilting friends out there understand, don't you?



  1. Great it! totally agree with your wife and yes, I too love this movie and seen it with my family multiple times--nothing wrong with that. Please do continue to be passionate about your quilt which are incredible form of art works and for all of us to enjoy seeing them on display.

  2. Thank you Miriam for your very kind comments! My story is what it is and I am learning to appreciate it more everyday. Quilt on !!!!!
